
yoga is an inside job

Michelle is a firm believer in the healing and restorative power of yoga and meditation. She approaches the practice through loving-kindness and interconnectedness, which can then transcend into your day to day life. She encourages you to challenge yourself while listening to your body. Her goal in yoga is to unite as one energy with the beings she is teaching.

Living in a community that is constantly moving, in service of others, working towards a goal, and always growing, it is easy to forget about serving yourself. Michelle wants you to remember: you need to care for you first, before anyone else.

Her mission is to provide holistic wellness in the simplest form, by breathing, practicing yoga, learning new meditative modalities, healing through sound therapy, while feeling a sense of home, of a mindful commUNITY, in a sacred space.

That is why she is bringing Om Peace Yoga to you. A space for you to heal.


“The next message you need is right where you are.”

— Ram Dass